What Should You Include in Your Parenting Plan
Child Custody
What Should You Include in Your Parenting Plan



What Should You Include in Your Parenting Plan

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Parties to an Ohio divorce face many legal and financial issues, but parents must also address child custody and visitation as part of the proceedings. Under state law on the allocation of parental responsibility, co-parenting is the preferred arrangement because it enables the child to have a healthy relationship with both parents. The statute encourages parents to agree on custody and parenting time, and they can include the details in a parenting plan. If the parties cannot compromise, the court will enter an order that provides specifics.

Whether you can agree or must have the judge decide, there are certain topics to cover in the parenting plan. The more detail you can include, the less likely it is that you will need to go back to court to resolve disputes. It is important to rely on an Ohio child custody lawyer for assistance on the key provisions in a parenting plan, such as: 


Even in a co-parenting situation where the parties share in decision-making, the child will usually reside primarily with one parent. The other will have parenting time and visitation rights. As such, your parenting plan should contain specifics on how to manage the schedule, such as:

  • Weekdays and weekends;
  • School breaks;
  • Holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions;
  • Vacations and travel;
  • Details on transporting the child between the parents’ respective households; and,
  • How to resolve conflicts and unexpected disruptions in the parenting plan schedule.

Medical Care

The parenting plan should provide information on how the parties address health care, especially what happens in the event of an emergency. Any elective medical treatment and procedures should be conditional on the consent of both parents.

Education and Extracurricular Activities

It is smart to cover the choice of public or private school, and the parenting plan should also address issues related to coursework and curriculum for the child. Parties can also work out specifics on activities such as sports, lessons, summer camp, travel, entertainment, and related matters.

Communication Protocols

Under this topic, there are two important factors to consider with parenting plans:

  • How the parents communicate with each other; and,
  • Rules about one parent interacting with the child while the other is enjoying parenting time.

Special Rules

Depending on your circumstances, your parenting plan might also include points on:

  • Online time and gaming;
  • Participation in religion;
  • Interactions with friends and family;
  • Rules about parents dating and their respective significant others;
  • Managing a child with special needs; and,
  • Requirements for resolving disputes out of court, such as through a neutral party or mediator.

An Ohio Child Custody Attorney Will Advise You on Parenting Plan Details

This overview of what to include in your parenting plan is helpful for understanding the basics, and there may be additional provisions based on the needs of your family. Fout Law Office, LLC will advise you and ensure that your parenting plan covers all essential topics, so please contact us to schedule a consultation. An Ohio child custody lawyer can explain the laws after reviewing your circumstances.

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