Studies show that for many people, a divorce is the single most stressful experience of their lives. Divorce can be a contentious and litigious process, with issues of property distribution, spousal support, child custody, and child support all needing to be settled before you move on with your life, but you do not have to go through it alone. Having helped many clients throughout the Hills and Dales area with their divorce cases, the experienced divorce law team at Fout Law is here to represent your legal needs in your divorce case. Call or contact our office today to learn more about how our office can advocate for you during a divorce.
Our office has years of experience helping clients navigate all issues involved in a divorce. Our zealous divorce attorney has advocated for clients in litigation, collaborative negotiations, and mediation. We can work with your spouse through alternative dispute resolution to find collaborative solutions to your unresolved divorce issues, or if necessary, Fout Law will aggressively represent your legal needs in court. Some of the most common issues that arise during divorce negotiations include:
Ohio is an equitable distribution state, which means that the marital assets and debts must be distributed equitably between spouses in a divorce. That does not always mean splitting assets and debt 50/50, especially if one spouse incurred a significant amount of debt or spent marital assets on an extra-marital affair. Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements can also affect the distribution of assets during a divorce, and our office will make sure that you get everything you deserve in your divorce.
As of January 1, new tax laws for alimony have greatly affected the incentive for the wealthier spouse to pay spousal support to the lesser-earning spouse during and after divorce. These changes may affect the amount of support paid and how long the payments will last. A compromise with support may be a shift in the distribution of property, but our office will also fight for your rights to alimony if that is what you need after a divorce.
Issues involving minor children during a divorce are often the most difficult. Fout Law is here to help you find solutions to issues of child support, visitation, and custody. We can help you mediate a solution with your spouse or zealously advocate for your needs in court. You and your child’s best interests are at the core of our representation, and we will help you find the best solution for your family’s needs.
To learn more about our comprehensive divorce services at Fout Law, call or contact our office today. Serving the needs of clients navigating divorce throughout the Hills and Dales area of Ohio, schedule a consultation now to hear more about how our office will zealously advocate for your legal needs.
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